
mercredi 9 mars 2016


Dans la vie, nous avons tous des passions. La peinture, l'histoire, le football, le violon, l'horticulture, l'Italie. Et puis en dehors de ça, il y a les choses qu'on adore, mais qui ne régissent pas forcément notre vie. Les tiramisus, les films des années 80, ramasser des champignons, inventer des cocktails, donner du pain aux canards, les BBQ. Pour moi, acheter à manger est une activité qui rentre dans cette catégorie. Et c'est encore mieux dans un pays étranger.

vendredi 22 janvier 2016

Back home !

Last Saturday, I came back from a week in France. (I had way to many things to bring back). Here are some things I noticed about the quick journey :

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

The Englishman is a heavy drinker.

When wandering in the Student Union, you can easily spot free newspapers on display - at least I hope they are free, cause I have a few laying around in my room. ForgePress seems to be about the life of college students in general, and of the University of Sheffield's in particular, among other broader subjects. And I have to admit that drunk college students were very present in the last issue. I'll let you be your own judge, with two of my favorite articles.

mardi 24 novembre 2015

Frosty, icy, polar, chilly, arctic

Adieu l'automne, l'hiver est bel et bien arrivé. La ville de Sheffield se couvre de givre, et ses habitants se couvrent d'écharpes. (Enfin sauf les jeunes anglaises le soir, mais c'est une autre histoire.) Trois étudiantes françaises en Erasmus essaient par tous les moyens de lutter contre le froid polaire. Voici leurs histoires.

mardi 3 novembre 2015

4th day without hot water and heaters

Struggle is real. Girls and I took refuge in the kitchen, warmest room of the house. Considering the idea of turning on the oven and use it as heater. Also considering making fire in the middle of the living room. But lacking wood to burn. 

lundi 2 novembre 2015

Diary entry -- My fault, I've been reading Bridget Jones the whole day

I'm writing this article with the music from the Harry Potter movies blasting, which makes me feel so powerful, there's no way I'll listen to anything else while working from now on. Anyway, what's up in my life ? Quick summary.