Less than 30 days before the plane takes off to England, and leaves me there for 6 months. I'm a student at the University of Aix-Marseille in Souther France, and I'll be leaving for a semester abroad, with Erasmus. I'll be attending the University of Sheffield, in England, taking classes of English, Russian and Economics. I also had the opportunity to go to Russia but, I'm so lazy. No joke, I feel as if I was granted 6 months of holidays.
Anyway, time to check my To-Do List.
✖ T H E H O U S E
Humm, not yet. I remember, when I got registered for next year at my university, around June or July, the lady told us that some students already had tickets & housing. That scared me a little. But then, my roommates & I just decided to wait until August to look for places to rent, because July was too soon. Here we are, almost halfway through August, still nothing. Thankfully I'm not a worrier haha. Anyway, my friends has been calling agencies and we're waiting on answers, emails, whatever. The thing is, we need a place to rent without being physically here (we can't afford a trip to Sheffield before September, and want to be sure to have it before our arrival), that has three bedrooms, at a walking distance from the university and downtown, not too expensive, and we only need it until February. I'm beginning to think that may be a little unrealistic.
✖ T H E B A N K A C C O U N T

If I want to find a job oversea, I'll need to open a bank account in an British bank. Good for me, there's one in my city. I'm supposed to go to Barclay's and, well, open an account. But, the thing is, I'm lazy. Extremely. So this is still on hold, like the radio my boyfriend bought me for my birthday. Still in the truck of my car, waiting to be installed. Such a waste. I'll do that next week. Maybe. The other option is keeping my account at BNP, which has an agreement with the Barclay's, allowing me to withdraw money at a Barclay's ATM. That's always a start.
✖ T H E P L A N E T I C K E T
That, I have ! My roommates and I are flying from Marseille to London, with Ryanair, on September 11th. Yes, I know, 9/11. I've been told all the jokes, most of them untranslatable. Explosive prices (I paid 22€), a convenient stop in New York, je vais devoir faire un détour (détour/ deux tours), anyway, I know. After landing in London, around 9 AM, we'll take a bus to Sheffield. That isn't taken care of either, I don't even know how long will the ride be. I'm betting on something like 5143648 hours. At this point, we should have a house/flat/bridge under which to sleep, and three days to settle and get used to our new environment, before the Orientation week begins.
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